Privacy Policy


HeadsUp Healthcare is mindful and respectful of the privacy of all users that utilize our website and/or services regarding workers’ compensation care management. Our team is dedicated to maintaining the privacy of our clients while providing quality service.

1. Definitions

“Services” – applies as a general term to encompass care coordination, claims management, claims billing.

“Team” – refers to the employees and managers of HeadsUp Healthcare.

“User” – any individual that interacts with our website or utilizes the services of HeadsUp Healthcare.

“Website” – (or “Site”) – refers to including our web referral page included within our site.

“PII” –Personally Identifiable Information can include “Sensitive PII” and can include an individual’s full name, mailing address, social security number, driver’s license, credit card information, financial information, or passport information. “Non-Sensitive PII” can include zip code, race, gender, date of birth, place of birth, or religion.

2. Personal Identifiable Information

HeadsUp Healthcare does not sell personally identifiable information (PII). The personal information we collect is used for the purposes of facilitating claims management and revenue cycle management. Certain elements of PII are necessary to provide our services, HeadsUp Healthcare requests PII to perform the previously mentioned services, any information provided to HeadsUp Healthcare is done so on a voluntary basis. Our website is intended for professional purposes and directed towards our clients and potential clients over the age of eighteen who wish to inquire about or acquire our services.

3. Consumer Information

HeadsUp Healthcare does not sell consumer information.

4. Patient Information

HeadsUp Healthcare will only disclose patient information to (1) our clients that requested our claims administration services initially. (2) To coordinate with our providers and establish communication lines for scheduling and care management with injured workers. (3) If HeadsUp Healthcare is legally obligated or compelled to provide such information.

5. Financial Information

HeadsUp Healthcare collects financial information from clients to process the payment of claims. This information can include a bill to mailing address, phone number, fax number, and/or email address. We do not collect financial information form injured workers.

6. Security

HeadsUp Healthcare stores data, including PII in secure facilities, domestically. We follow procedures as outlined in our internal information security policy to ensure the safety and security of data. Though we strive to uphold security standards, HeadsUp Healthcare cannot control the factors which external users are utilizing. Please exercise caution when using public networks or working in public areas. Employees of HeadsUp Healthcare complete security training on a quarterly basis.

7. HIPAA Compliance

HeadsUp Healthcare performs services in alignment with HIPAA Privacy Rule 45 CFR 164.506 regarding Treatment, Payment, and Health Care Operations. Employees of HeadsUp Healthcare complete HIPAA training annually.

8. Contact Information

Please contact us with any concerns or questions about our Privacy Policy.
Phone: 855-443-9872 Ext. 301

Contact the hotline if you need to report a complaint or ethics issue.
